How To React To Messages On Instagram

Do you want to know how to react to messages on Instagram? If so, this article is for you. Since Instagram’s launch, you can react to messages. Many people are already familiar with the react feature. Others are still unaware of how to use it. But how to use it?

Launch the app, then open a conversation you’d like to respond to. Emoji reactions will be visible by holding your finger over a direct message. Then, you will be able to react by selecting one of the emojis available.

How to React to Messages on Instagram

Utilize the following methods for responding to Instagram messages.

Method 1: Reacting to Messages Using Mobile

  • Firstly, you have to open Instagram.
  • Then choose the direct message. You can access your Instagram direct messages by pressing the message icon.
  • Go to chat on Instagram.
  • Double-click a message on Instagram. The emoji will appear. As a default, the heart emoji will show when you double-click a message on Instagram.

In this way, you can react to any message you want. Reacting to a message can be undone with a double-tap on it again.

Method 2: Reacting to a Message on PC

The Instagram website also allows you to react to messages through the computer. The Instagram website even has an emoji icon on it that you can choose. Here is how to do it.

  • First, navigate to the message icon.
  • After that, click on the chat icon. By hovering over a message, you can see suggested emoji options.
  • You can choose the emoji to react to the message.

Why Am I Unable to React to Messages on Instagram?

If you cannot react to messages on Instagram, you may require updating the app. The easiest way to update your Instagram app is to visit the Apple Store or Google Store and look for Instagram updates.

Double-tap a message in a chat once you have updated Instagram to see if you have unlocked the feature.

Communication on Instagram is much more accessible with emoji reactions. Regular messages are unable to convey such emotions as a reaction with emoji.


That’s how you can react when you receive a message on Instagram. The result of the union of Facebook Messenger and Instagram is that these two apps offer pretty similar features. 

For instance, one of its exceptionally standard features is its capability to react to messages. You can now react to different Instagram messages using custom emojis for those hearing this for the first time. 

Instagram does a beautiful job of giving you the option of choosing a favorite emoji. Adding an emoji is as simple as tapping twice on a message.

You can also add your customized emojis to the messages if you want. Long tapping the message will make the custom emojis appear. When you reply, you can use them.

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