If you have reported someone on Facebook, you might be wondering what happens when you report someone on Facebook. Most of the people on Facebook are good people. Due to this, you might want to report them. But what happens when you do so?
After a Facebook user reports something, the Facebook team reviews and deletes any content that does not meet their community standards. As long as your report does not involve infringing intellectual property, Facebook will keep your report private. No one will be able to tell who filed the report.
What Happens When You Report Someone on Facebook?
The next time you see a profile, a comment, or anything on Facebook that is not under Facebook policies, you should tell Facebook about it.
As soon as Facebook receives your report, it reviews it within one to two days and determines if any items violate Facebook community standards and need removal.

If Facebook staff determine that the reported thing does not violate Facebook’s terms and conditions, Facebook will keep it public. Reporting is easy by following the given steps.
- Find an icon containing three dots and click on it.
- From the drop-down menu, choose ‘”Give Feedback.”
- Choose your reason for reporting the person.
- You can select “Pretending to Be Someone,” in which case Facebook will ask you whether they are impersonating you, one of your friends, or someone famous.
- When you click on ‘I Want to Help,’ a form will appear asking for more details, such as whether there is self-injury, the account got hacked, etc.
- Select the ‘Send’ button.
Is It Possible for a Person to Know Who Reported Them on Facebook?
Facebook does not make it possible for you to discover who reported you. As a result, Facebook keeps this information secret since knowing who reported it could cause a problem.

It is possible to contact Facebook for assistance if you believe that someone has reported all of your posts without cause. Suppose it turns out that the post was actually within Facebook’s guidelines when the report came in. In that case, Facebook won’t delete the post.
Sometimes people feel compelled to report content negatively if it appears to be in direct competition with their businesses.
There is no doubt that not every Facebook user is a decent individual. One of the places where these bad people gather in large numbers is through social media, which is often the first place they come out of hiding.
Cyberbullying and cruelty are easy to commit behind the screen of a computer. Facebook tends to attract more bullies and scammers with over billions of users.
There is the possibility of becoming a target even if you know everything about Facebook and work mainly on Facebook pages.
For instance, a disgruntled customer on your business page might post a negative comment threatening the employee they had a problem with. As a result, Facebook has created a reporting system to address this issue.